LOOK | On March 3, 2023, the PSU School of Advanced Studies faculty and officials gathered for a pre-planning meeting to prepare for the 2023 Planning Conference. This meeting was a significant step in the university’s efforts to develop and improve its programs and services, and the agenda covered a wide range of essential topics.

One of the key items on the agenda was the SWOT analysis of the planning office, which provided a comprehensive evaluation of the office’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This analysis will serve as a valuable tool in identifying areas of improvement and ensuring that the planning office is operating at its full potential.

The meeting also discussed the annual report and the balanced scorecard. The annual report will provide a comprehensive overview of the school’s activities and achievements over the past year. The balanced scorecard will help them align its activities with its strategic goals.

One of the most exciting parts of the meeting was the presentation of the project proposals for 2023, 2024, and 2025 by Dr. Christian Thom Tabisola, the Planning Coordinator of SAS. These proposals outline several exciting initiatives PSU SAS will undertake in the coming years, including research projects, new academic programs, and community outreach initiatives.

The faculty members attended the meeting. Several important officials, including Dr. Paulo V. Cenas, the Executive Director of SAS; Dr. Cristeta C. Dulos, the Deputy Director for Administration, Planning & Quality Assurance; and Dr. Joel T. Cayabyab, Deputy Director for Academics, Research & Extension. This demonstrates PSU SAS’s commitment to collaboration and teamwork and ensures all stakeholders are involved in the planning process.

Overall, the pre-planning meeting was a productive and exciting event demonstrating a commitment to excellence and innovation. The agenda covered many important topics, and the presentations and discussions provided valuable insights and ideas for future development. Faculty, staff, and SAS officials look forward to seeing the results of this planning process in the years to come, and we are excited to see PSU SAS continue to grow and evolve.