𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊 l Donating academic resources from one institution to another is a significant development, giving students access to a broader range of learning opportunities.

The donation of theses by the Pangasinan State University – School of Advanced Studies (PSU-SAS) to the Eastern Pangasinan Agricultural College (EPAC) for Senior High School students exemplifies how academic institutions can collaborate and share resources to provide students with a more comprehensive learning experience.

The theses donated by the PSU- SAS are academic works their students have produced. These theses cover various topics, from agriculture to education, business, and many other fields. The theses are valuable resources that senior high school students can use to expand their knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of various subjects.

The donation of theses to the EPAC will have a positive impact on the academic institution itself. The school will have access to a broader range of academic works, enabling them to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in various fields. This will allow the school to provide its students with the most comprehensive education possible. The donation will also positively impact the academic institution, enabling EPAC to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in various fields. This donation is a significant development that will benefit the students and the educational institution for years.