ALWAYS ON GUARD. PSU employees receive flu vaccine as a part of the university’s advocacy to ensure its employees’ welfare.

While getting a flu vaccine isn’t an absolute protection against COVID-19, there are many significant benefits of it, such as reducing the risk of flu illness, hospitalization, and death. Thus, Medical-Dental Office headed by Dr. Christia Marie Flores distributed 850 influenza vaccines to all campuses as part of the university’s advocacy to ensure its employees’ wellness.

The medical team started visiting each office on October 12 to administer the vaccine to employees of all status- whether permanent, casual, or job order. According to Dr. Flores, the university started giving flu vaccines in October 2017 and seeks to reinstitute the significance of flu vaccines. Since there is no cure for COVID-19 yet, the flu vaccination serves as a preventive measure for employees, especially that they still physically report to work.

“The flu vaccine may help a person prevent him/her from contracting any virus, thus making him/her less susceptible to COVID-19 or any flu-related diseases,” Dr. Flores explained.

For the first batch, Lingayen, Sta. Maria, Alaminos City, San Carlos City Campuses, and the Main Office were scheduled. Even after getting a vaccine, PSU employees were advised to exercise and follow precautionary measures like wearing face masks, keeping physical distance, washing hands, and avoiding large indoor gatherings.