164 tablets distributed to LC faculty members

CHRISTMAS IS IN THE AIR for 164 faculty members of Pangasinan State University Lingayen Campus (PSU-LC) as they received mobile tablets in support to effective instructional delivery. The distribution of tablets which was initiated by the Faculty Association headed by...

GAD Unit calls for VAW-free community

PURSUANT TO Presidential Proclamation 1172 s. 2006, the Pangasinan State University Lingayen Campus escalated commitment to promote violence-free community by staging the Orientation on Anti-violence against Women and their Children (VAWC) Act of 2004 on November 27...

Campus QMT irons Internal Audit findings

IN PREPARATION to the upcoming External ISO Audit on January 2021, the Pangasinan State University Lingayen Campus revisited its quality management performance in a Management Review on November 24 (Tuesday) at Dr. Telesforo N. Boquiren Convention Hall. The Campus...