Salient Provisions of the Guidelines on the Implementation of Limited Face-to-face Classes for All Programs of Higher Education Institutions in Areas Under Alert Levels System for COVID-19 Response (Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2021-004

DOH Minimum Public Health Standards (MPSH) HEIs shall develop and strictly implement institutional policies and actions that revolve around and conform with the following MPSH as provided in detail in DOH AO No. 2021-0043

1. Increasing physical and mental resilience

The health and well being of students and teaching and non teaching personnel shall be protected. Measure for this include respiratory etiquette and hand hygiene and providing general welfare services ( information campaign and physical and mental well being)


2. Reduce transmission

PSU shall ensure the proper and regular wearing of appropriate PP by the students, teaching and non teaching personnel and visitors


3. Reduce Contact

Physical distancing (1.5 meters) shall be enforced through administrative and engineering controls to prevent over crowding. The university will utilize visual cues, floor markers and protective barriers as needed. Staggered scheduling for limited f2f shall be to avoid unnecessary mass gathering.

4. Reduce duration of infection

Case detection, contact tracing, quarantine and isolation measures were crafted by the university before conducting the limited f2f.


5. Cleaning and disinfection

PSU conducts regular cleaning and disinfection of classrooms and conform to the guidelines of the DOH.

One Entry, One Exit Per Day Policy for Students Students shall not be allowed to leave the campus premises between classes. Each student shall only be permitted one entry and one exit per day.

HEIs shall require students to go straight to their assigned rooms upon entering the campus. If students arrive early and their rooms are not yet available, they shall be directed to go to the study hall/cafeteria/communal areas where physical distancing shall still be strictly observed. They shall not be allowed to loiter. Students shall leave the campus immediately after their classes.


6. Screening at Entry Point

Each campus shall put up a screening or triage area at different points of entry where students, teaching and non teaching personnel and visitors are assessed for the following:

  1. Wearing of face mask
  2. Accomplishment of health declaration form
  3. Body temperature check ( not above 37.5 degrees celcius otherwise will be brought to the isolation room before transporting to his/her home or health facility)
  4. PSU chall ensure that there are no choke points at all entrance/exit gates. There shall be separated entrance and exit gates
  5. PSU shall coordinate with the LGUs on crowd management outside the school premises
  6. PSU shall provide adequate number of handwashing stations.
  7. Contingency Plan for COVID-19 Cases
  8. PSU shall craft a contingency plan when students, faculty or staff are identified as suspect/probable/confirmed covid -19 cases. The Plan shall be tested and continuously refined with representative from the LGU.

The Campus shall be responsible for the:

  1. Determination of students who opt for limited face to face and flexible learning modality.
  2. Conduct orientation program with students from the above-mentioned groups per college or department and parents and other stakeholders on the conduct of limited face-to-face classes
  3. Determination the vaccination profile of students per program and collect photocopy of vaccination card should a student wish to join the f2f.